This study aimed to identify factors associated with colonization by community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) in adult patients admitted to a Brazilian hospital. This is a cross-sectional study, in which patients underwent a nasal swab and were asked about hygiene behavior, habits, and clinical history. Among the 702 patients, 180 (25.6%) had S. aureus and 21 (2.9%) MRSA. The factors associated with MRSA colonization were attending a gym (OR 4.71; 95% CI; 1.42 - 15.06), smoking habit in the last year (OR 2.37; 95% CI; 0.88 - 6.38), previous hospitalization (OR 2.18; CI 95%; 0.89 - 5.25), and shared personal hygiene items (OR 1.99; 95% CI; 0.71 - 5.55). At the time of admission, colonization by CA-MRSA isolates was higher than that found in the general population. This can be an important public health problem, already endemic in hospitals, whose factors such as those associated with habits (smoking cigarettes) and behaviors (team sports practice and activities in gyms) have been strongly highlighted. These findings may help developing infection control policies, allowing targeting patients on higher-risk populations for MRSA colonization.