A permanent lymphoblastoid cell line was established from the peripheral blood of a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The cell line, designated SDK, grows in a stationary suspension culture, forming aggregates, in RPMI medium supplemented with 10% FCS, with a doubling time of 50-60 h. Immunologic markers and cytological features suggested that the SDK cells should be identified as being of B-cell origin. The cells failed to form rosettes with sheep erythrocytes, did not express T-cell antigens as defined by monoclonal antibodies, and exhibited surface and cytoplasmic immunoglobulin determinants. Chromosome analysis revealed the presence of three cell populations with (a) 46XY; (b) t(8q-; 14q+) or 2p-; 14q+) and (c) cells with unidentifiable markers. SDK demonstrated susceptibility to TPA-induced differentiation toward plasma cells.