Introduction: The growing cancer burden in Africa demands urgent action. Medical imaging is crucial for cancer diagnosis and management and is an essential enabler of precision medicine. To understand the readiness for quantitative imaging analysis to support cancer management in Africa, we analyzed the utilization patterns of imaging modalities for cancer research across the continent.
Methods: We retrieved articles by systematically searching PubMed, using a combination of search terms {"Neoplasm"} AND {"Radiology" or "Diagnostic imaging" or "Radiography" or "Interventional Radiology" or "Radiotherapy" or "Radiation Oncology"} AND {Africa∗ or 54 African countries}. Articles describing cancer diagnosis or management in humans with the utilization of imaging were included. Exclusion criteria were review articles, non-English articles, publications before 2000, noncancer diagnoses, and studies conducted outside Africa.
Results: The analysis of diagnostic imaging in Africa revealed a diverse utilization pattern across different cancer types and regions. The literature search identified 107 publications on cancer imaging in Africa. The studies were carried out in 19 African countries on 12 different cancer types with 6 imaging modalities identified. Most cancer imaging research studies used multiple imaging modalities. Ultrasound was the most used distinct imaging modality and MRI was the least frequently used. Most research studies originated from Nigeria, South Africa, and Egypt.
Conclusion: We demonstrate substantial variability in the presence of imaging modalities, widespread utilization of ultrasonography, and limited availability of advanced imaging modalities for cancer research.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; LMICs; cancer diagnostics; medical imaging; radiomics.
Copyright © 2024 American College of Radiology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.