Bipolar disorder is a complex and heterogeneous psychiatric condition that affects more than 2% of the population. The assessment and treatment of bipolar disorder can be a challenge for clinicians, given its clinical complexity and the rapidly changing treatment landscape with the growing range of treatment options that are becoming available for various phases of the illness. To help clinicians navigate the complexity involved in the assessment and management of bipolar disorder, the guidelines of the 2018 Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) synthesized the evidence on the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of treatments for bipolar disorder and translated it into first-, second-, and third-line treatment recommendations. The main objective of this contribution is to provide clinicians with a summary of the 2018 CANMAT/ISBD guideline recommendations with the addition of any new evidence for the treatment of bipolar disorder across the lifespan.
Keywords: Bipolar Disorder; Clinical Drug Studies; Evidence-Based Practice; Practice Guidelines.
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