Background: Oligo-progression or further recurrence is an open issue in the multi-integrated management of oligometastatic disease (OMD). Re-irradiation with stereotactic body radiotherapy (re-SBRT) technique could represent a valuable treatment option to improve OMD clinical outcomes. MRI-guided allows real-time visualization of the target volumes and online adaptive radiotherapy (oART). The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity profile of MRI-guided repeated SBRT (MRIg-reSBRT) in the OMD setting and propose a re-SBRT classification.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed patients (pts) with recurrent liver metastases or abdominal metastatic lesions between 1 and 5 centimeters from liver candidate to MRIg-reSBRT showing geometric overlap between the different SBRT courses and assessing whether they were in field (type 1) or not (type 2).
Results: Eighteen pts completed MRIg-reSBRT course for 25 metastatic hepatic/perihepatic lesions from July 2019 to January 2020. A total of 20 SBRT courses: 15 Type 1 re-SBRT (75%) and 5 Type 2 re-SBRT (25%) was delivered. Mean interval between the first SBRT and MRIg-reSBRT was 8,6 months. Mean prescribed dose for the first treatment was 43 Gy (range 24-50 Gy, mean BEDα/β10=93), while 41 Gy (range 16-50 Gy, mean BEDα/β10=92) for MRIg-reSBRT. Average liver dose was 3,9 Gy (range 1-10 Gy) and 3,7 Gy (range 1,6-8 Gy) for the first SBRT and MRIg-reSBRT, respectively. No acute or late toxicities were reported at a median follow-up of 10,7 months. The 1-year OS and PFS was 73,08% and 50%, respectively. Overall Clinical Benefit was 54%.
Conclusions: MRIg-reSBRT could be considered an effective and safe option in the multi-integrated treatment of OMD.
Keywords: MR guided- Radiotherapy; Oligometastatic disease.
© 2024. The Author(s).