Introduction: This study aimed to assess the role of the rs16969968 variant of nicotinic receptor alpha-5 subunit in regulating smoking behavior and nicotine intake in response to nicotine manipulations among dependent smokers in a naturalistic environment.
Aims and methods: Sixty-nine adults (19 females) smoking 10 or more cigarettes per day (CPD) were asked to complete four 2-week study phases during which they smoked exclusively one of two types of Spectrum nicotine research cigarettes (FTC nicotine yield 0.8 and 1.6 mg, respectively), their usual brand of cigarettes, or their usual brand of cigarettes while wearing a 21-mg nicotine patch. Measurements included rs16969968 genotype, number of CPD, smoking topography, and plasma cotinine.
Results: Compared to controls (G/G carriers), A allele carriers reported smoking 4 to 5 more CPD across all conditions (all ps < .05). Mean total smoke volume per day and cotinine were greater in A allele carriers than in controls (ps = .05, .046, respectively). No significant genotype differences were found in smoking compensation indices for the switch from medium to high-nicotine-yield cigarettes. Nicotine patch-induced reductions in cigarettes smoked per day and total smoke volume per day showed significant interactions between genotype and pre-patch levels, with heavier smokers showing greater effects of genotype (p = .052 and p = .006, respectively).
Conclusions: Results suggest that the rs16969968 variants regulate the heaviness of smoking primarily by their impact on daily numbers of cigarettes smoked, but no genotype differences were found in smoking compensation after switching from medium to high-nicotine cigarettes.
Implications: The differences in daily cigarette consumption between rs16969968 risk-allele carriers and controls are shown to be consistent regardless of manipulations of cigarette nicotine content and transdermal nicotine supplementation and markedly greater among dependent smokers than those observed in the general smoker populations. G/G allele carriers, relative to A allele carriers, appeared to be more sensitive to the nicotine patch manipulation, reducing their smoking to a greater extent. These findings support continued efforts in the development of personalized intervention strategies to reduce the rs16969968-conveyed genetic propensity for heavy smoking.
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