Race-conscious research identifies health disparities with 1) rigorous and responsible data collection, 2) intentionality and considered analyses, and 3) interpretation of results that advance health equity. Individual registries must overcome specific challenges to promote race-conscious research, and this paper describes ways to achieve this with a focus on the international Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) registry. This article reviews ELSO registry publications that studied race with outcomes to consider whether research outputs align with race-conscious concepts and describe the direction of associations reported. Studies were identified via secondary analysis of a comprehensive scoping review on ECMO disparities. Of 32 multicenter publications, two (6%) studied race as the primary objective. Statistical analyses, confounder adjustment, and inclusive, antibiased language were inconsistently used. Only two (6%) papers explicitly discussed mechanistic drivers of inequity such as structural racism, and five (16%) discussed race variable limitations or acknowledged unmeasured confounders. Extracorporeal Life Support Organization registry publications demonstrated more adverse ECMO outcomes for underrepresented/minoritized populations than non-ELSO studies. With the objective to promote race-conscious ELSO registry research outputs, we provide a comprehensive understanding of race variable limitations, suggest reasoned retrospective analytic approaches, offer ways to interpret results that advance health equity, and recommend practice modifications for data collection.
Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the ASAIO.