Background: Studies analyzing non-antibiotic alternatives in kidney transplant UTI's are lacking. d-Mannose, a simple sugar, inhibits bacterial attachment to the urothelium, as does Proanthocyanidins; both could act as a synergic strategy preventing UTI; nonetheless their efficacy and safety have not been evaluated in kidney transplant population yet.
Methods: This is a pilot prospective, double-blind randomized trial. Sixty de novo kidney transplant recipients were randomized (1:1) to receive a prophylactic strategy based on a 24-h prolonged release formulation of d-Mannose plus Proanthocyanidins vs. Proanthocyanidins (PAC) alone. The supplements were taken for the first 3 months after kidney transplant and then followed up for 3 months as well. The main objective of the study was to search if the addition of Mannose to PAC alone reduced the incidence of UTI and/or asymptomatic bacteriuria in the first 6 months post-transplantation.
Results: 27% of patients experienced one UTI episode (cystitis or pyelonephritis) while asymptomatic bacteriuria was very common (57%). Incidences according UTI type or AB were: 7% vs. 4% for cystitis episode (p 0.3), 4% vs. 5% for pyelonephritis (p 0.5) and 17% vs. 14% for asymptomatic bacteriuria (p 0.4) for patients in the Mannose+PAC group vs. PAC group respectively. The most frequent bacteria isolated in both groups was Escherichia coli (28% of all episodes), UTI or AB due to E. coli was not different according to study group (30% vs. 23% for Mannose+PAC vs. PAC alone p 0.37).
Conclusions: Non-antibiotic therapy is an unmet need to prevent UTI after kidney transplantation; however, the use of d-Mannose plus PAC does not seem capable to prevent it.
Keywords: Asymptomatic bacteriuria; Bacteriuria asintomática; Infección del tracto urinario; Kidney transplant; Mannose; Manosa; Proanthocyanidins; Proantocianidinas; Profilaxis; Prophylaxis; Trasplante renal; Urinary tract infection.
Copyright © 2023 Sociedad Española de Nefrología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.