Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program Rankings and Gender Diversity

Cureus. 2024 Mar 18;16(3):e56365. doi: 10.7759/cureus.56365. eCollection 2024 Mar.


Background Orthopedic surgery residency programs are some of the least gender-diverse specialty programs in medicine. Despite strong representation at the undergraduate and medical school levels and increased applications to orthopedic surgery residency programs by women, there is still a substantial gender gap at the resident level. This study explores the relationship between the gender diversity of orthopedic surgery residency programs and program rankings. Methodology Program rank, program director gender identity, and gender diversity data were collected for the top 100 programs by reputation in Doximity. Gender diversity was measured as the proportion of female residents in the program and alumni. Results The greatest percentage of women in a program was 33% and the smallest was 3%. After linear regression analysis, we found that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between program rank and the proportion of women. The higher ranked a program was, the greater the proportion of women. There was no significant correlation between program director gender, appointment year, and program rank. Conclusions These results suggest that, although there is still a long way to go before closing the gender gap in orthopedic surgery residency programs, higher-ranked programs are associated with greater gender diversity than their lower-ranked counterparts.

Keywords: doximity; gender disparities; orthopedic surgery; residency program; residency program director.