For farmers around the world to protect crops from disturbing pests, it is common to use pesticides to ward off the growth of pests or even eliminate them. Even though pesticides are seen as a good thing for protecting crops, there is one thing that mustn't be forgotten the origin of the pesticide itself is a toxin compound that is dangerous if used irresponsibly. The main concern of this study is excessive use of pesticides may cause serious consequences to the ecosystem and environment through the accumulation of pesticide residue by irresponsible farmers. To minimize the effects of pesticide residues, the selection of the type of pesticide needs to be considered which type may not be harmful to the environment's health even though accumulation happens. Therefore, in this study, a fuzzy-based computational model assessor was built to measure the safety level of pesticides toward the environment. The fuzzy model was created with consideration of several parameters related to pesticide behaviors, its effects on beneficial organisms, and its persistence in the environment. The method used for this study includes literature reviewing, fuzzification, statistical approach, expert knowledge sharing, and quantitative analysis. The model created in this study can assist in a more accurate and realistic method of selecting better pesticide options that will be used by farmers. To ensure the validity of the model, verifying and validating the formula and pesticide result assessment were done with related literature articles. In this study, from 10 types of pesticides used as a sample, dodine, and iprodione pesticides are the best option for protecting crops with a safety level of 7.36, and abamectin, dimethoate, chorpyrifos, and methidathion are not safe options for farming use because of its potential of harming the environment.
Keywords: Bio-indicator; Fuzzy Pesticide; Pesticide Assessment; Quality Quotient; Safety Environment.