The Patient's Perspective on the Functioning of the Primary Healthcare Centres in Bangalore, India: An Illustrated Guide

J Patient Exp. 2024 Apr 11:11:23743735241246730. doi: 10.1177/23743735241246730. eCollection 2024.


India's healthcare system is, for a large part, organized around a vast network of Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs) that form the pillar on which the public healthcare sector functions. The World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized the important role that PHCs play in strengthening community health and the provision of healthcare. Although a few studies have assessed specific elements of services offered by PHCs, only a few have studied the patients' perspectives on the functioning and performance of PHCs in the Indian context. A qualitative research methodology was employed to explore the opinions of 188 patients attending one of three PHCs in Bengaluru (India), using in-depth interviews and thematic analysis. Results showed that patients assessed PHC based on the nine themes that broadly can be classified into components of the center, and that of the personnel. The patients valued the behavioural aspects of the personnel during service delivery and should be configured into the PHC performance.

Keywords: developing countries; patient's perspective; performance assessment; primary healthcare centres.