Purpose: This report describes the step-by-step process that led to expansion of ambulatory care pharmacy services at a newly established internal medicine clinic within a patient-centered medical home in North Carolina.
Summary: Implementation of clinical pharmacist services at the clinic was led by a postgraduate year 2 (PGY2) pharmacy resident and guided by the 9 steps described in the book Building a Successful Ambulatory Care Practice: A Complete Guide for Pharmacists. After a needs assessment and review of the demographics and insurance status of the clinic's target population, it was determined that pharmacist services would focus on quality measures including diabetes nephropathy screening, diabetes eye examination, blood glucose control in diabetes, discharge medication reconciliation, annual wellness visits, and medication adherence in diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertension. Clinic appointments were conducted under 3 models: a pharmacist-physician covisit model, a "floor model" of pharmacist consultation on drug information or medication management issues during medical resident sign-out sessions with supervising physicians (medical residents could also see patients along with the pharmacist at a covisit appointment), and a covisit model of stacked physician and pharmacist appointments. The pharmacist's services were expanded from 2 half-day clinic sessions per week initially to 5 or 6 half-day clinic sessions by the end of the residency year.
Conclusion: By the fourth quarter of the first PGY2 residency year in which ambulatory care pharmacy services were provided in the clinic, the clinical and financial impact of those services justified the addition of a second full-time pharmacist to the clinic team.
Keywords: ambulatory care; costs and cost analysis; patient-centered care; pharmaceutical services; pharmacists; pharmacy residencies.
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