The unique high isoelectric point of lysozyme (LYZ) restricts its application in composite antibacterial coating due to the unfavorable liability to electrostatic interaction with other components. In this work, the antibacterial activity of a dispersible LYZ-carboxymethyl konjac glucomannan (CMKGM) polyelectrolyte complex was evaluated. Kinetic analysis revealed that, compared with free LYZ, the complexed enzyme exhibited decreased affinity (Km) but markedly increased Vmax against Micrococcus lysodeikticus, and QCM and dynamic light scattering analysis confirmed that the complex could bind with the substrate but in a much lower ratio. The complexation with CMKGM did not alter the antibacterial spectrum of LYZ, and the complex exerted antibacterial function by delaying the logarithmic growth phase and impairing the cell integrity of Staphylococcus aureus. Since the LYZ-CMKGM complex is dispersible in water and could be assembled easily, it has great potential as an edible coating in food preservation.
Keywords: Antibacterial activity; Carboxymethyl konjac glucomannan; Lysozyme.
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