Monitoring the therapeutic alliance throughout treatment can improve client outcomes and lead to improved care. The individual, couple, and family versions of the intersession alliance measure (IAM) were developed to facilitate routine monitoring of the expanded therapeutic alliance. Psychometric properties of the three versions of the IAM were examined using a clinical sample. Participants were drawn from clinics in the United States participating in the Marriage and Family Therapy Practice Research Network. Using this sample, results indicate that items on each version of the IAM load on one factor, are invariant across sex, and that each version has good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and concurrent validity. The IAM-C and IAM-F also have good predictive validity, while the IAM-I has more limited evidence for its predictive validity. These results suggest that the IAMs are valid and reliable measures that can facilitate the routine monitoring of the expanded therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy.
Keywords: assessment/diagnosis; children/adolescents; clinical; couples; families; populations.
© 2024 American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.