Hypothyroidism Due to Seaweed Overconsumption

Cureus. 2024 Feb 29;16(2):e55231. doi: 10.7759/cureus.55231. eCollection 2024 Feb.


Hypothyroidism presents various symptoms, ranging from commonly observed signs, such as fatigue, cold sensation, and constipation, to rare features, such as rash and pancytopenia, resembling certain rheumatological and hematological diseases. Chronic, excessive iodine consumption causes primary hypothyroidism. However, when iodine overconsumption becomes a regular part of daily dietary habits, it becomes difficult for patients to associate their symptoms with daily iodine consumption. Therefore, clinicians cannot obtain information on excessive iodine intake from the patient. Here, we present a case of hypothyroidism that was subsequently identified as caused by excessive dairy seaweed consumption for health purposes. This case report highlights the importance of a detailed dietary history in patients diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism without thyroid autoantibodies.

Keywords: excessive iodine intake; primary hypothyroidism; skin rash; thyroid autoantibodies; wolff–chaikoff effect.

Publication types

  • Case Reports