Deviation of blood flow from an optimal range is known to be associated with the initiation and progression of vascular pathologies. Important open questions remain about how the abnormal flow drives specific wall changes in pathologies such as cerebral aneurysms where the flow is highly heterogeneous and complex. This knowledge gap precludes the clinical use of readily available flow data to predict outcomes and improve treatment of these diseases. As both flow and the pathological wall changes are spatially heterogeneous, a crucial requirement for progress in this area is a methodology for acquiring and comapping local vascular wall biology data with local hemodynamic data. Here, we developed an imaging pipeline to address this pressing need. A protocol that employs scanning multiphoton microscopy was developed to obtain three-dimensional (3D) datasets for smooth muscle actin, collagen, and elastin in intact vascular specimens. A cluster analysis was introduced to objectively categorize the smooth muscle cells (SMC) across the vascular specimen based on SMC actin density. Finally, direct quantitative comparison of local flow and wall biology in 3D intact specimens was achieved by comapping both heterogeneous SMC data and wall thickness to patient-specific hemodynamic results.
Keywords: 3D histology; collagen fibers; machine learning; multiphoton microscopy; smooth muscle cells.
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