Superficial white matter (SWM) plays an important role in functioning of the human brain, and it contains a large amount of cortico-cortical connections. However, the difficulties of generating complete and reliable U-fibers make SWM-related analysis lag behind relatively matured Deep white matter (DWM) analysis. With the aid of some newly proposed surface-based SWM tractography algorithms, we have developed a specialized SWM filtering method based on a symmetric variational autoencoder (VAE). In this work, we first demonstrate the advantage of the spherical representation and generate these spherical tracts using the triangular mesh and the registered spherical surface. We then introduce the Filtering via symmetric Autoencoder for Spherical Superficial White Matter tractography (FASSt) framework with a novel symmetric weights module to perform the filtering task in a latent space. We evaluate and compare our method with the state-of-the-art clustering-based method on diffusion MRI data from Human Connectome Project (HCP). The results show that our proposed method outperform these clustering methods and achieves excellent performance in groupwise consistency and topographic regularity.
Keywords: Autoencoder; Spherical representation; Superficial white matter; Tractography filtering.