Background: Ethanol self-administration is governed by appetitive and consummatory behaviors. The sipper model procedurally separates these behaviors by training rats to meet a response requirement within 20 min to obtain continuous access to a sipper tube for an additional 20 min. Variations of this paradigm have been developed to quantify appetitive strength by evaluating lever presses during an extinction probe trial (EPT) or by deriving a break point (BP) from a progressive ratio (PR) schedule of reinforcement. However, no study has assessed the relationship between these tasks, within subjects, in both sexes.
Methods: Male and female rats (n = 16) were trained to meet a response requirement of 20 to access a slightly sweetened ethanol solution (10% ethanol + 1% sucrose). Two EPTs, during which no operant behavior was reinforced, were interleaved between 18 reinforced sessions. Next, rats completed an across-session PR schedule, where the response requirement increased each session. BP was defined as the highest completed response requirement. We then replicated the methodology in the same subjects responding for a 3% sucrose solution. Finally, the experiment was replicated in a separate cohort of rats (n = 24) trained to a response requirement of 4 to earn access to the ethanol solution and paradigm order (EPT vs. PR) was counterbalanced.
Results: We report strong, positive correlations between average EPT lever presses and BP across all experiments. No sex differences were observed in appetitive behaviors. However, the two cohorts revealed mixed results when assessing sex differences in consummatory measures.
Conclusions: This study further validates the EPT as a measure of motivation and suggests that similar levels of motivation exist to procure alcohol in males and females. The findings complement the literature showing that appetitive and consummatory processes are distinct and thus should be independently assessed in self-administration paradigms.
Keywords: ethanol; motivation; self‐administration; sex differences; sucrose.
© 2024 Research Society on Alcohol.