Extensive investigations on the moiré magic angle in twisted bilayer graphene have unlocked the emerging field-twistronics. Recently, its optics analogue, namely opto-twistronics, further expands the potential universal applicability of twistronics. However, since heat diffusion neither possesses the dispersion like photons nor carries the band structure as electrons, the real magic angle in electrons or photons is ill-defined for heat diffusion, making it elusive to understand or design any thermal analogue of magic angle. Here, we introduce and experimentally validate the twisted thermotics in a twisted diffusion system by judiciously tailoring thermal coupling, in which twisting an analog thermal magic angle would result in the function switching from cloaking to concentration. Our work provides insights for the tunable heat diffusion control, and opens up an unexpected branch for twistronics -- twisted thermotics, paving the way towards field manipulation in twisted configurations including but not limited to fluids.
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