Objective: To study and compare the occupational exposure limits (OELs) of coal dust between China and foreign countries, understand the OEL of coal dust in China, and provide data and basis for revising the OEL of coal dust in China. Methods: In August 2023, by searching the official websites of limits setting institutions in relevant countries and regions at home and abroad, collecting and sorting out the OELs of coal dust issued by 10 limit setting institutions in 6 countries and the background information of the formulation, and conducting specific analysis on the classification, limit level and formulation principles of coal dust OEL in each country/institution. Results: In China and Japan, the total dust and respirable dust of coal dust OEL were established respectively, while in other countries, only the time-weighted average concentration (TWA) of respirable coal dust exposure was established. The TWA prescribed by China's Notional Health Commission, the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) , the United States Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and the Australian Safety Work Bureau when the SiO(2) content was less than 5% were 5, 2.4, 2 and 3 mg/m(3) respectively. China GBZ 2.1-2019 sets the limit of 2.5 mg/m(3) for respirable coal dust with SiO(2) content less than 10%. The TWA set by the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) and the South African Department of Mines and Energy (DME) for anthracite coal were 0.4 and 0.8 mg/m(3), respectively, and bituminous coal or lignite were 0.9 and 1.8 mg/m(3), respectively. The respirable coal dust TWA set by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in the United States was 1 mg/m(3), and the TWA set by the New Zealand Work Safety Authority was 3 mg/m(3). Conclusion: At present, the OEL of coal dust in China is at a relatively loose level, and it is suggested to further explore the possibility of revising coal dust OEL.
目的: 比较分析国内外工作场所煤尘职业接触限值(OEL),了解我国煤尘OEL的水平,为我国修订煤尘限值提供基础数据和参考。 方法: 于2023年8月,通过对国内外有关国家与地区的限值制定机构官网进行检索,搜集、整理6个国家与地区10个限值制定机构发布的煤尘OEL及制定背景资料,对各个国家/机构煤尘OEL的分类、限值水平及制定原则等内容进行具体分析。 结果: 中国和日本分别制定了煤尘的总尘和呼尘两种OEL,其余国家均仅制定了呼吸性煤尘接触的时间加权平均浓度(TWA)。我国国家卫生健康委员会、美国职业安全卫生管理局(OSHA)、美国矿业安全卫生管理局(MSHA)和澳大利亚安全工作局在二氧化硅含量低于5%时规定的TWA分别为5、2.4、2和3 mg/m(3);中国GBZ 2.1-2019对二氧化硅含量低于10%的呼吸性煤尘制定限值为2.5 mg/m(3);美国政府工业卫生师协会(ACGIH)和南非矿业能源部(DME)为无烟煤制定的TWA分别为0.4和0.8 mg/m(3)、烟煤或褐煤TWA分别为0.9和1.8 mg/m(3);美国国立职业安全卫生研究所(NIOSH)的呼吸性煤尘TWA为1 mg/m(3),新西兰工作安全局制定的TWA为3 mg/m(3)。 结论: 我国煤尘OEL目前处于较宽松水平,建议进一步探讨煤尘OEL修订的可能性。.
Keywords: Coal dust; Comparison research; Dust; Occupational exposure; Occupational exposure limit.