This study aimed to measure masticatory performance (MP) using β-carotene gummy jelly to investigate its relationship with skeletal properties in decompensated patients diagnosed with skeletal class III malocclusion. The study included 78 patients (38 men and 40 women) diagnosed with skeletal class III malocclusion without temporomandibular joint disorder and periodontal disease. MP was measured using a new masticatory measuring device and β-carotene in the gummy jelly. Lateral and posteroanterior cephalograms were obtained, and skeletal properties (Me deviation, ANB, SNB, APDI, Wits, ODI, facial axis, body length, ramus length, SN-GoGn, anterior facial height, posterior facial height, saddle angle, articular angle, and gonial angle) were evaluated. MP differences according to age and sex and the effect of skeletal properties on MP were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The MP of all patients was 3690.55±1428.77 mm², MP of the male group was 4043.05±1498.09 mm², and MP of the female group was 3355.68±1272.19 mm². Among the items investigated, the variable that affected MP was posterior facial height. Posterior facial height showed a positive correlation (P=0.022). There was no significant difference between MP and other skeletal properties (P>0.05). The severity of the hypodivergency in skeletal class III could affect MP. The relationship between facial asymmetry or skeletal relation and MP could not be explained in this study.
Copyright © 2024 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.