1 Division of Adolescent Health and Medicine (Kadoura), Department of Pediatrics, British Columbia Children's Hospital and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; Division of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (Katzman), The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, and the Research Institute (Katzman), Hospital for Sick Children; Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (Ganson), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. basil.kadoura@cw.bc.ca.
2 Division of Adolescent Health and Medicine (Kadoura), Department of Pediatrics, British Columbia Children's Hospital and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; Division of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (Katzman), The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, and the Research Institute (Katzman), Hospital for Sick Children; Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (Ganson), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.