Hypertrophic scars and keloids are the results of an exaggerated healing process and are often associated with significant patient morbidity. Fractional ablative lasers create microchannels in the skin and penetrate into the substance of the scar, inducing a normal healing response in zones of created damage. Focal delivery of scar-modulating agents into the scar through these microchannels-a process termed laser-assisted drug delivery (LADD)-is a promising and developing treatment modality. In this systematic review, we aim to critically examine the evidence of LADD in the treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids. The evidence suggests that LADD improves outcomes in hypertrophic scars and keloids. LADD is a more effective treatment modality than the topical application of agents in hypertrophic scars and equally effective as the intralesional injection of agents in keloids. There were few reports of adverse events. Evidence supports the use of LADD as an adjunct to non-surgical measures or a treatment modality to be used before more invasive measures such as surgical excision. However, the quality of evidence supporting this conclusion is inconsistent and lacks power. Additional studies are required to optimize dosages, laser settings, and agent choices for the treatment of these lesions.
Keywords: fractional laser; hypertrophic scars; keloids; laser-assisted drug delivery.
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