In recent years, laparoscopy and endoscopy cooperative surgery(LECS)is reported as the treatment of gastric cancer. We report closed LECS performed for an elderly patient with remnant gastric cancer and gastric cancer in a patient with lung cancer. Case 1 is an 85-year-old male. Early gastric cancer was pointed out in the remnant stomach after distal gastrectomy. ESD was not indicated because of the size of tumor. Because of his age and many comorbidities, closed LECS was performed. Postoperative pathological diagnosis was pT1a(M), pPM0, pDM0, Ly0, v0. Case 2 is a 56-year-old male. He was undergoing chemotherapy for lung cancer with pleural dissemination. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed early gastric cancer. ESD was not indicated for this lesion because of the depth of tumor. Pleural dissemination of lung cancer is his prognostic factor, and gastrectomy with lymph node dissection was considered excessively invasive. Therefore, closed LECS was performed. Postoperative pathological diagnosis was pT1b2(SM2), pPM0, pDM0, Ly1c, v1a. Closed LECS could be useful therapeutic option for early gastric cancer.