Background: Despite its prevalence, there is ongoing debate regarding the optimal management strategy for chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH), reflecting the variability in clinical presentation and treatment outcomes. This ambidirectional, nationwide, multicenter registry study aims to assess the efficacy and safety of multimodality treatment approaches for CSDH in the Chinese population.
Methods/design: A multicenter cohort of CSDH patients from 59 participating hospitals in mainland China was enrolled in this study. The treatment modalities encompassed a range of options and baseline demographics, clinical characteristics, radiographic findings, and surgical techniques were documented. Clinical outcomes, including hematoma resolution, recurrence rates, neurological status, and complications, were assessed at regular intervals during treatment, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years follow-up.
Result: Between March 2022 and August 2023, a comprehensive cohort comprising 2173 individuals who met the criterion was assembled across 59 participating clinical sites. Of those patients, 81.1% were male, exhibiting an average age of 70.12 ± 14.53 years. A historical record of trauma was documented in 48.0% of cases, while headache constituted the predominant clinical presentation in 58.1% of patients. The foremost surgical modality employed was the burr hole (61.3%), with conservative management accounting for 25.6% of cases. Notably, a favorable clinical prognosis was observed in 88.9% of CSDH patients at 3 months, and the recurrence rate was found to be 2.4%.
Conclusion: This registry study provides critical insights into the multimodality treatment of CSDH in China, offering a foundation for advancing clinical practices, optimizing patient management, and ultimately, improving the quality of life for individuals suffering from this challenging neurosurgical condition.
Trial registration: ChiCTR2200057179.
Keywords: Chronic subdural hematoma; Multimodality therapy; Outcome; Recurrence.
© 2024. The Author(s).