The supply and sources of N and Hg in the Geum estuary of the western coast of Korea were evaluated. Triple isotope proxies (δ15NNO3, Δ17ONO3 and δ18ONO3) of NO3- combined with conservative mixing between river and ocean waters were used to improve isotope finger-printing methods. The N pool in the Geum estuary was primarily influenced by the Yellow Sea water, followed by riverine discharge (821 × 106 mol yr-1) and atmospheric deposition (51 × 106 mol yr-1). The influence of the river was found to be greater for Hg than that of the atmosphere. The triple isotope proxies revealed that the riverine and atmospheric inputs of N have been affected by septic wastes and fossil fuel burning, respectively. From the inner estuary towards offshore region, the influence of the river diminishes, thus increasing the relative impact of the atmosphere. Moreover, the isotope proxies showed a significant influence of N assimilation in February and nitrification in May.
Keywords: Estuary; Mercury; Nitrogen; Triple nitrogen isotope.
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