We examined the availability and components of internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapies (iCBTs) for depression tested in randomized-controlled trials (RCTs). The objectives of this literature review were to determine the extent to which research-validated iCBTs were available to the public, as well as to determine their therapeutic content. A literature review of RCTs for iCBTs was conducted on July 30, 2021. For each iCBT, interventions were rated by content and compared to commercially available smartphone apps. Our search yielded 80 studies using 41 unique iCBTs. Of these, only 6 (15%) were completely available to the public, more than half were not publicly available (46%), and the remaining 39% were available to the public with some restrictions (e.g., those based on the user's geographical location). When comparing iCBTs evaluated in RCTs to commercially available smartphone apps, we found that iCBTs were more likely to contain psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, behavioral activation, problem solving, and interpersonal communication components. iCBTs from RCTs contain evidence-based content but few are available to the public. Extending beyond efficacy, attention should be paid to the dissemination of iCBTs.
Keywords: cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT); depression; internet-based CBT (iCBT); mental health apps.
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