Mechanical forces, including flow shear stress, govern fundamental cellular processes by modulating nucleocytoplasmic transport of transcription factors like Yes-associated Protein (YAP). However, the underlying mechanical mechanism remains elusive. In this study, it is reported that unidirectional flow induces biphasic YAP transport with initial nuclear import, followed by nuclear export as actin cap formation and nuclear stiffening. Conversely, pathological oscillatory flow induces slight actin cap formation, nuclear softening, and sustained YAP nuclear localization. To elucidate the disparately YAP spatiotemporal distribution, a 3D mechanochemical model is developed, which integrates flow sensing, cytoskeleton organization, nucleus mechanotransduction, and YAP transport. The results unveiled that despite the significant localized nuclear stress imposed by the actin cap, its inherent stiffness counteracts the dispersed contractile stress exerted by conventional fibers on the nuclear membrane. Moreover, alterations in nuclear stiffness synergistically regulate nuclear deformation, thereby governing YAP transport. Furthermore, by expanding the single-cell model to a collective vertex framework, it is revealed that the irregularities in actin cap formation within individual cells have the potential to induce topological defects and spatially heterogeneous YAP distribution in the cellular monolayer. This work unveils a unified mechanism of flow-induced nucleocytoplasmic transport, providing a linkage between transcription factor localization and mechanical stimulation.
Keywords: YAP; flow shear stress; mechanochemical modeling; mechanotransduction; perinuclear actin cap.
© 2023 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.