Introduction: The HIV/AIDS prevention program among pregnant mothers aims to reduce the risk of HIV transmission from mother to baby. It also aims to reduce stigma and discrimination, as well as deaths due to HIV/AIDS. This paper aimed to find out obstacles that occur in the implementation of HIV/AIDS transmission program in Indonesia.
Methods: Online literature search was done on Google Scholar, Science Direct and PubMed databases with the keywords related to "HIV/AIDS" and transmission prevention program among mothers to children. The search resulted in a total of 343 articles.
Results: After the abstracts were reviewed, there were only 16 articles selected.
Conclusions: The implementation of the program in Indonesia has been run but is not yet optimal because of several obstacles i.e., the insufficient number of health workers and poor knowledge of health workers. Figuring out solutions to the obstacles could ease the program implementation to reduce the cases of HIV/AIDS. Obstacles were found in the implementation of the HIV/AIDS prevention program among mothers and children in Indonesia.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS; HIV/AIDS prevention program; Indonesia; mother to children transmission.