India's Quantum Move: From Budget Allocation, Action and Future Challenges

Mol Biotechnol. 2023 Dec 14. doi: 10.1007/s12033-023-00975-w. Online ahead of print.


Major countries like the USA, European Union, UK, Japan, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and China have taken significant initiatives to develop quantum computation infrastructure. India has also taken several steps to join the quantum computation family. The Indian government has taken several initiatives to build the nation's infrastructure on quantum computation and participate in the global quantum landscape. The Indian government has created a roadmap in this direction. The significant steps are: firstly, noteworthy budget allocation (1.12 billion USD in 2020 and 734 million USD for the National Quantum Mission in 2023); secondly, 21 quantum hubs are being developed throughout the country; thirdly, 4 quantum research parks have been created and finally, Department of Science and Technology (DST) has initiated QuEST (Quantum Enabled Science and Technology) programme during 2017-18. The article also discusses other effective strategies and moves by the Indian government, like different ambitious national missions on quantum science and technology to create the country's ecosystem. In that direction, the article addresses the opportunities and challenges of quantum science and technology for India. However, the Indian government should encourage quantum computation research more for the country's development. Finally, the information provided here depicts an overall view of India's quantum computation landscape.

Keywords: Government’s strategies; India’s initiatives; National quantum mission; Quantum computation.

Publication types

  • Review