There is increasing demand for natural and sustainable products for the treatment of dermatologic conditions. This systematic review aims to critically analyze published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and provide evidence-based recommendations on the therapeutic use of curcumin for a variety of dermatological diseases. A systematic search of published literature was performed on July 18, 2023 using PRISMA guidelines for turmeric or curcumin for the treatment of skin diseases. Clinical recommendations were made based on the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine guidelines. We identified 18 original randomized controlled trials for use of turmeric or curcumin for psoriasis, radiation dermatitis, oral lichen planus, pruritis, vitiligo, tinea capitis, facial erythema, and scarring. Psoriasis, cesarean section scar, and pruritus received grade of recommendation B. Radiation dermatitis, oral lichen planus, vitiligo, tinea capitis, and facial redness received grade of recommendation C or D. Curcumin was demonstrated to have an excellent safety profile in all clinical trials analyzed. Further research is required to determine optimal dosing and treatment parameters of turmeric. Additional, larger, RCTs and non-RCTs should be conducted to further investigate the safety and efficacy of curcumin as a treatment option for dermatological diseases.
Keywords: Curcumin; Natural; Oral lichen planus; Psoriasis; Radiation dermatitis; Turmeric.
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