Current methods of storing explanted donor livers at 4°C in University of Wisconsin (UW) solution result in loss of graft function and ultimately leads to less-than-ideal outcomes post transplantation. Our lab has previously shown that supplementing UW solution with 35-kilodalton polyethylene glycol (PEG) has membrane stabilizing effects for cold stored primary rat hepatocytes in suspension. Expanding on past studies, we here investigate if PEG has the same beneficial effects in an adherent primary rat hepatocyte cold storage model. In addition, we investigated the extent of cold-induced apoptosis through treating cold-stored hepatocytes with pan caspase inhibitor emricasan. In parallel to storage at the current cold storage standard of 4°C, we investigated the effects of lowering the storage temperature to -4°C, at which the storage solution remains ice-free due to the supercooling phenomenon. We show the addition of 5% PEG to the storage medium significantly reduced the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in plated rat hepatocytes and a combinatorial treatment with emricasan maintains hepatocyte viability and morphology following recovery from cold storage. These results show that cold-stored hepatocytes undergo multiple mechanisms of cold-induced injury and that PEG and emricasan treatment in combination with supercooling may improve cell and organ preservation.
Keywords: Biological Sciences; Cell Preservation; Cryobiology; Hepatocytes/Hepatology; Liver Preservation; Organ Preservation; Preservation.