Skin of color refers to individuals whose skin color ranges from very light beige to very dark brown. Anthropologists and sociologists have previously recognized the importance of an objective classification of skin color for individuals with skin of color that does not include race and ethnicity. Since 1975, dermatologists have used the Fitzpatrick classification of sun-reactive skin types to categorize patients with skin of color; this classification was established for psoriasis patients participating in using oral methoxsalen and phototherapy clinical trial to determine the initial ultraviolet A dose. The Fitzpatrick classification merely classifies individuals as white, brown, and black; the individuals with white skin are further divided into four groups based on their burning or tanning capacity. This classification system does not provide reliable information with regard to the risk of skin cancer for individuals with darker skin color and does not aid in the evaluation of medical conditions with cutaneous involvement or assessment of appropriate cosmetic interventions for aesthetic management. Many clinicians, including forensic pathologists, incorporate the patient's race or ethnicity in their medical evaluation to describe the individual's skin color. Established scales for skin of color either include white skin color, or include 10 or more color types, or include both. We introduce a simple and rapidly performed scale that is not based on race or ethnicity to categorize persons with skin of color. The colorimetric scale ranges from very light beige to very dark brown and does not include white skin. The scale has five colors ranging from lightest (skin color type 1) to darkest (skin color type 5): very light beige (skin color type 1), light brown (skin color type 2), medium brown (skin color type 3), dark brown (skin color type 4), and very dark brown (skin color type 5); an individual with white skin would have a skin color type 0 in this classification of patient skin color. In conclusion, a scale that is not based on race or ethnicity is useful for categorizing individuals with skin of color not only for sociologists but also for clinicians who treat these patients. This colorimetric scale will be helpful for dermatologists to categorize persons with skin of color to predict their risk for developing skin cancer and to assessing appropriate cosmetic procedures and devices for these patients. In addition, the colorimetric scale will be useful for not only forensic pathologists but also other clinicians to provide a non-racial and non-ethnic designation of skin color type for their patients.
Keywords: clinical; color; colorimetric; dermatology; evaluation; forensic; management; pathologist; pathology; skin.
Copyright © 2023, Cohen et al.