Molar-incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) is a qualitative defect of the enamel structure. Indirect restorations may represent the most suitable therapeutic solutions for patients presenting MIH with tooth restorative procedures. This systematic review aims to determine the feasibility of indirect restorations.
Materials and methods: A systematic review has been performed and is reported following the PRISMA guidelines. It was performed on three databases (PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar). Ten articles were included.
Results: Only two articles reported the use of CAD/CAM technologies, whereas the other eight preferred conventional registration and handmade stratification for ceramics. All indirect bonded restorations made of composite resins or ceramics had significant success rates. A temporary material was placed in most of the articles. There was no clear consensus for tissue conditioning before bonding. Depending on the authors and the articles, the follow-up period extended from 2 months to 6 years.
Conclusions: The survival rate and the non-invasive procedures of indirect restorations are two main arguments that can help dental practitioners in daily practice. Development of CAD/ CAM technologies adds new perspectives in the registration, the design and production. However, more clinical trials are needed to confirm the conclusions.
Keywords: CAD-CAM; Dental Bonding; Inlay-Onlay; Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation; Restorative Dentistry.
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