The effect of 1.0 % (w/v) sodium alginate (SA) glazing on surface frost formation and the quality of frozen fish balls in repeated freeze-thaw (F-T) cycles was studied. The optimal glazing property of 1.0 % SA solution was manifested by high transmittance, excellent water resistance, and high ice glazing rate. After seven F-T cycles, compared with the control, the ice production, thawing loss, and total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N) value of samples with 1.0 % ice glazing decreased by 28.30 %, 21.02 %, and 27.35 %, while the chewiness and whiteness were increased by 15.02 % and 10.40 %, respectively. Moreover, compared to the control, the microstructure of fish balls glazed with 1.0 % SA was smoother and more uniform, and the ice crystal diameter was smaller. Therefore, 1.0 % SA glazing effectively inhibits the formation of ice crystals, reducing water migration and loss while minimizing damage to the meat structure, thus enhancing the quality of meat products.
Keywords: Freeze-thaw cycle; Ice glazing; Quality; Sodium alginate; Surface frost.
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