Weight measurement is essential in the treatment of pediatric patients in emergencies, however, in cases of patient instability or limited resources, weight estimation becomes a plausible alternative. There are rapid estimation methods, although with performance discrepancies in different populations.
Objective: To compare the performance of the "Colombian Pediatric Tape" (CPT) and Broselow Tape (BT) in weight estimation in children.
Patients and method: Descriptive cross-sectional study and concordance analysis. Sample of 42,232 children from the 2010 National Survey of the Nu tritional Situation of Colombia. For the performance evaluation, the prediction of zones and weight of each tool and their concordance using the Kappa coefficient and the Bland-Altman index were considered.
Results: Cohen's Kappa index for the BT with respect to the color area agreement was 0.57 and for the CPT it was 0.65. The Bland-Altman index for CPT of the actual weight and the esti mated weight showed a mean difference of 0.005 Kg (CI95; -4.1 to +4.1), and for the BT was 0.13 Kg (CI95; -5.2 to 5.5). The percentage difference analysis of concordance between the two tools showed a statistically significant overall difference in favor of the CPT, 66% Vs 70% (p = 0.00001).
Conclusions: In Colombian children, the BT overestimates or underestimates the weight by up to 21% with respect to the real value, while CPT can be used with better performance to estimate the weight.