We present a case of simultaneous second-stage Fowler-Stephens Orchiopexy (FSO) with microvascular testicular autotransplantation for cryptorchidism and in a patient with prune belly syndrome. At 5 months old, the patient underwent laparoscopic bilateral first-stage FSO with the right testicle located 1 cm from the liver and the left slightly more caudal. An ultrasound on postoperative Day 72 following second-stage FSO and microvascular autotransplantation showed patent testicular vasculature. Our experience shows that this combination technique is safe and effective to supercharge the testicle and augment collateral vessels if clinical suspicion for monotherapy failure is high.
Keywords: Fowler–Stephens Orchiopexy; cryptorchidism; microsurgery; prune belly syndrome.
Published by Oxford University Press and JSCR Publishing Ltd. © The Author(s) 2023.