Background and purpose: Existing methods for quality assurance of the radiotherapy auto-segmentations focus on the correlation between the average model entropy and the Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) only. We identified a metric directly derived from the output of the network and correlated it with clinically relevant metrics for contour accuracy.
Materials and methods: Magnetic Resonance Imaging auto-segmentations were available for the gross tumor volume for cervical cancer brachytherapy (106 segmentations) and for the clinical target volume for rectal cancer external-beam radiotherapy (77 segmentations). The nnU-Net's output before binarization was taken as a score map. We defined a metric as the mean of the voxels in the score map above a threshold (λ). Comparisons were made with the mean and standard deviation over the score map and with the mean over the entropy map. The DSC, the 95th Hausdorff distance, the mean surface distance (MSD) and the surface DSC were computed for segmentation quality. Correlations between the studied metrics and model quality were assessed with the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). The area under the curve (AUC) was determined for detecting segmentations that require reviewing.
Results: For both tasks, our metric (λ = 0.30) correlated more strongly with the segmentation quality than the mean over the entropy map (for surface DSC, r > 0.65 vs. r < 0.60). The AUC was above 0.84 for detecting MSD values above 2 mm.
Conclusions: Our metric correlated strongly with clinically relevant segmentation metrics and detected segmentations that required reviewing, indicating its potential for automatic quality assurance of radiotherapy target auto-segmentations.
Keywords: Automatic segmentation; Cervical cancer; Confidence estimation; Quality assurance; Rectal cancer.
© 2023 The Authors.