Astroviruses encapsidate a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genome into ∼30nm icosahedral particles that infect a wide range of mammalian and avian species, but their biology is not well understood. Human astroviruses (HAstV) are divided into three clades: classical HAstV serotypes 1-8, and novel or non-classical HAstV of the MLB and VA clades. These viruses are part of two genogroups and phylogenetically cluster with other mammalian astroviruses, highlighting their zoonotic potential. HAstV are a highly prevalent cause of nonbacterial gastroenteritis, primarily in children, the elderly and immunocompromised. Additionally, asymptomatic infections and extraintestinal disease (e.g., encephalitis), are also observed, mostly in immunocompetent or immunocompromised individuals, respectively. While these viruses are highly prevalent, no approved vaccines or antivirals are available to prevent or treat infections. This is in large part due to their understudied nature and the limited understanding of even very basic features of their life cycle and pathogenesis at the cellular and organismal level. This review will summarize molecular features of human astrovirus biology, pathogenesis, and tropism, and then focus on two stages of the viral life cycle, namely entry and egress, since these are proven targets for therapeutic interventions. We will further highlight gaps in knowledge in hopes of stimulating future research into these understudied viruses.
Keywords: Astrovirus; Capsid maturation; Cell entry; Pathogenesis; Tropism; Viral egress; Viral life cycle.
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