Purpose: This is the first reporting of the MRIdian A3iTM intracranial package (BrainTxTM) and benchmarks the end-to-end localization and dosimetric accuracy for commissioning an magnetic resonace (MR)-guided stereotactic radiosurgery program. We characterized the localization accuracy between MR and radiation (RT) isocenter through an end-to-end hidden target test, relative dose profile intercomparison, and absolute dose validation.
Methods and materials: BrainTx consists of a dedicated head coil, integrated mask immobilization system, and high-resolution MR sequences. Coil and baseplate attenuation was quantified. An in-house phantom (Cranial phantOm foR magNetic rEsonance Localization of a stereotactIc radiosUrgery doSimeter, CORNELIUS) was developed from a mannequin head filled with silicone gel, film, and MR BB with pinprick. A hidden target test evaluated MR-RT localization of the 1×1×1 mm3 TrueFISP MR and relative dose accuracy in film for a 1 cm diameter (International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)-X/IEC-Y) and 1.5 cm diameter (IEC-Y/IEC-Z) spherical target. Two clinical cases (irregular-shaped target and target abutting brainstem) were mapped to the CORNELIUS phantom for feasibility assessment. A 2-dimensional (2D)-gamma compared calculated and measured dose for spherical and clinical targets with 1 mm/1% and 2 mm/2% criteria, respectively. A small-field chamber (A26MR) measured end-to-end absolute dose for a 1 cm diameter target.
Results: Coil and baseplate attenuation were 0.7% and 2.7%, respectively. The displacement of MR to RT localization as defined through the pinprick was 0.49 mm (IEC-X), 0.27 mm (IEC-Y), and 0.51 mm (IEC-Z) (root mean square 0.76 mm). The reproducibility across IEC-Y demonstrated high fidelity (<0.02 mm). Gamma pass rates were 97.1% and 95.4% for 1 cm and 1.5 cm targets, respectively. Dose profiles for an irregular-shaped target and abutting organ-at-risk-target demonstrated pass rates of 99.0% and 92.9%, respectively. The absolute end-to-end dose difference was <1%.
Conclusions: All localization and dosimetric evaluation demonstrated submillimeter accuracy, per the TG-142, TG-101, MPPG 9.a. criteria for SRS/SRT systems, indicating acceptable delivery capabilities with a 1 mm setup margin.
Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.