Background: The usefulness of leukocyte cell population data (CPD) is currently being investigated. In COVID-19 pandemic several reports showed the clinical importance of hematological parameters. Our study aimed to assess CPDs in Sars CoV-2 patients as new disease markers.
Methods: From February to April 2020 (1st wave) 540 and from September to December 2020 (2nd wave) 2821 patients respectively were enrolled. SARS CoV-2 infection diagnosis was carried out by Multiplex rRT-PCR from nasopharyngeal swabs. CPDs were detected by XN 2000 hematology analyzer (Sysmex Corporation). A comparison between two disease waves was performed. Additionally, C-reactive protein (CRP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were assayed.
Results: CPDs were classified into: cell complextity, DNA/RNA content and abnormal sized cells. We detected parameters increased from the reference population for all cell types for both 1st and 2nd wave (p<0.05). However, in the 2nd vs 1st wave 5 CPDs vs 9 CPDs were found. In addition we observed higher CPD values of the 1st compared to 2nd wave: (NE-SFL) (p<0.001), (LY-Y) (p<0.0001), (LY-Z) (p<0.0001), (MO-X) (p<0.0001), (MO-Y) (p<0.0001). These findings were confirmed by the higher concentrations of CRP and LDH in the 1st vs 2nd wave: 17.3 mg/L (8.5-59.3) vs 6.3 mg/L (2.3-17.6) (p<0.001) and 241.5 IU/L (201-345) vs 195 IU/L (174-228) (p< 0.001) (median, interquartile range) respectively.
Conclusions: CPDs showed increased cell activation in 1st wave patients confirmed by clinical and biochemical data, associated with worse clinical conditions. Results highlighted the CPDs as disease characterization markers or useful for a risk model.
Uvod: Trenutno se istražuje korisnost podataka o populaciji ćelija leukocita (CPD). U pandemiji COVID-19 nekoliko izveštaja je pokazalo klinički značaj hematoloških parametara. Naša studija je imala za cilj da proceni CPD kod pacijenata sa Sars CoV-2 kao nove markere bolesti.
Metode: Od februara do aprila 2020. (1. talas) upisano je 540 i od septembra do decembra 2020. (2. talas) 2821 pacijenata. Dijagnoza infekcije SARS CoV-2 sprovedena je pomoću Multiplek rRT-PCR iz briseva nazofarinksa. CPD su detektovani hematološkim analizatorom KSN 2000 (Sysmex Corporation). Urađeno je poređenje između dva talasa bolesti. Pored toga, ispitani su C-reaktivni protein (CRP) i laktat dehidrogenaza (LDH).
Rezultati: CPD su klasifikovani na: kompleksnost ćelija, sadržaj DNK/RNA i ćelije abnormalne veličine. Otkrili smo povećanje parametara u odnosu na referentnu populaciju za sve tipove ćelija i za 1. i za 2. talas (p<0,05). Međutim, u 2. protiv 1. talasa pronađeno je 5 CPD-a naspram 9 CPD-a. Pored toga, primetili smo veće vrednosti CPD-a za 1. u poređenju sa 2. talasom: (NE-SFL) (p<0,001), (LI-I) (p<0,0001), (LI-Z) (p<0,0001), (MO-X) (p<0,0001), (MO-Y) (p<0,0001). Ovi nalazi su potvrđeni višim koncentracijama CRP i LDH u 1. protiv 2. talasa: 17,3 mg/L (8,5-59,3) naspram 6,3 mg/L (2,3-17,6) (p<0,001) i 241,5 IU/L (201-345) naspram 195 IU/L (174-228) (p<0,001) (medijana, interkvartilni opseg) respektivno.
Zaključak: CPD su pokazali povećanu aktivaciju ćelija kod pacijenata 1. talasa potvrđenu kliničkim i biohemijskim podacima, udruženu sa lošijim kliničkim stanjima. Rezultati su istakli CPD kao markere karakterizacije bolesti ili korisni za model rizika.
Keywords: COVID-19; cell population data; clinical markers; emergency department; leukocyte parameters.
2023 Giovanni Introcaso, Arianna Galotta, Laura Salvini, Elena Maria Faioni, Alice Bonomi, Emilio Assanelli, Maria Luisa Biondi, published by CEON/CEES.