The Unmet Needs of Caregiving Skills, Support, Emotions, and Finances of Stroke Caregivers: A Multicenter Study

Cureus. 2023 Aug 29;15(8):e44346. doi: 10.7759/cureus.44346. eCollection 2023 Aug.


​​​​​​Background Informal stroke caregivers in Malaysia play an important role in supporting stroke survivors following acute care. Nevertheless, there is a lack of available data to inform the sufficiency of help and resources available to address the needs of local stroke caregivers. This study aimed to determine the unmet needs in caregiving skills, support, emotions, and finances as well as the associated factors of stroke caregivers in Malaysia. Methodology This multicenter, cross-sectional study used a self-administered survey developed and validated for the Malaysian population. It was prepared in paper-based and web-based formats, and it was distributed via direct contact with the respondents, post, and email. Respondents were recruited from different sites in Malaysia. In this study, unmet needs were defined as "help that was needed more or was not provided to assist caregivers and address their specific needs." This article only presents the quantitative data of this study. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and logistic regression to determine factors associated with unmet needs. Results Almost all study respondents (91%) reported having unmet needs. Unmet needs ranged from 1 to 10, while the mean unmet needs was 5. The highest unmet need was related to financial support (72.5%), followed by support from professionals to address their own needs (59.2%), skills to care for stroke survivors, i.e., skills in caring for stroke survivors with their daily activities (57.9%), and skills in supporting stroke survivors to perform rehabilitation at home (53.1%). The lowest unmet need was related to support in transporting stroke survivors from place to place (45.3%). Additionally, this study did not identify an association between the reported unmet needs and gender, age, ethnicity, duration of caregiving, and site of participation. Conclusions This study reported a range of unmet needs perceived by stroke caregivers in Malaysia. Further research is warranted to understand the gaps in supporting local stroke caregivers to inform future post-stroke support and services in the country.

Keywords: caregiver; long-term care; malaysia; stroke; unmet needs.

Grants and funding

This study was conducted as part of doctorate studies funded by Nottingham University UK through the fund “Stroke Rehabilitation Life Cycle PhD Studentship: Nottingham UK and Malaysia Collaboration.”