Sandfly-borne phleboviruses are endemic in countries around the Mediterranean Basin and pose a significant health threat for populations, with symptoms spanning from febrile diseases to central nervous system involvement. We carried out a comprehensive cross-sectional screening via microneutralization (MN) assays for a quantitative assessment of neutralizing antibodies (NAs) to seven phleboviruses representing three distinct serocomplexes, using samples previously screened via immunofluorescence assays (IFAs) in Turkey, an endemic region with various phleboviruses in circulation. We detected NAs to three phleboviruses: Toscana virus (TOSV), sandfly fever Naples virus (SFNV), and sandfly fever Sicilian virus (SFSV), while assays utilizing Adana virus, Punique virus, Massilia virus, and Zerdali virus remained negative. The most frequently observed virus exposure was due to TOSV, with a total prevalence of 22.6%, followed by SFNV (15.3%) and SFSV (12.1%). For each virus, IFA reactivity was significantly associated with NA detection, and further correlated with NA titers. TOSV and SFSV seroreactivities were co-detected, suggesting exposure to multiple pathogenic viruses presumably due to shared sandfly vectors. In 9.6% of the samples, multiple virus exposure was documented. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate widespread exposure to distinct pathogenic phleboviruses, for which diagnostic testing and serological screening efforts should be directed.
Keywords: Toscana virus; microneutralization; phlebovirus; sandfly fever; serology.