Objective: The aim: To assess the structural and functional state of bone tissue in terms of gender and age.
Patients and methods: Materials and Methods: 108 people aged 54.7±14.8 years, who were divided into two groups according to gender, participated in the retrospective cohort study. All patients underwent ultrasound densitometry to assess bone mineral density (BMD) on the radial bone with an assessment of T-score, Z-score, and speed of ultrasonic wave propagation (SoS).
Results: Results: The study found that T-score and Z-score values, which corresponded to osteoporosis, were recorded in the age group > 50 years, regardless of the gender of the subjects. All women older than 35 years had a decrease in BMD below -1.0 SD by T-score. It was determined that osteoporosis criteria clearly prevail in women of the > 50-year-old group. In osteoporosis, the SoS is significantly lower than in individuals with normal indicators of the T-criterion. According to the results of the T-score comparison, BMD disorders were determined in postmenopausal women which emphasize the importance of the level of female sex hormones in the formation of osteopenic syndrome, in contrast to men, in whom no changes in the state of bone tissue were recorded.
Conclusion: Conclusions: The results of the research prove the prevalence of osteopenic syndrome in terms of age and gender, with an emphasis on women aged 50 years and older. Screening for BMD disorders using ultrasound densitometry is appropriate and allows taking measures to prevent the progression of osteoporosis in the early stages.
Keywords: osteopenia; bone mineral density; gender and age aspects; osteoporosis; postmenopause; ultrasound densitometry.