Exploring the Relationship between Neutrophil Activation and Different States of Canine L. infantum Infection: Nitroblue Tetrazolium Test and IFN-γ

Vet Sci. 2023 Sep 13;10(9):572. doi: 10.3390/vetsci10090572.


This study aimed to investigate the role of neutrophils in canine leishmaniosis by assessing neutrophil activation and its relationship with different states of L. infantum infection and antibody and IFN-γ production. Dogs were categorized into five groups: healthy-seronegative (n = 25), healthy-seropositive (n = 21), LeishVet-stage I (n = 25), Leishvet-stage II (n = 41), and LeishVet-stage III-IV (n = 16). Results of the nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test (NBT) showed significantly higher neutrophil activation in stage I (median:17.17, range: [7.33-31.50]%) compared to in healthy-seronegative (4.10 [1.20-18.00]%), healthy-seropositive (7.65 [3.98-21.74]%), stage II (6.50 [1.50-28.70]%), and stage III-IV (7.50 [3.00-16.75]%) groups (p < 0.0001). Healthy-seropositive dogs also displayed higher values than all groups except stage I. Stages II and III-IV did not show significant differences compared to healthy-seronegative. Regarding IFN-γ, stage I dogs had higher concentrations (median:127.90, range: [0-3998.00] pg/mL) than healthy-seronegative (0 [0-109.50] pg/mL) (p = 0.0002), stage II (9.00 [0-5086.00] pg/mL) (p = 0.045), and stage III-IV (3.50 [80.00-548.80] pg/mL) (p = 0.02) dogs. Stage II dogs showed increased IFN-γ compared to healthy-seronegative dogs (p = 0.015), while stage III-IV dogs had no significant differences compared to healthy-seronegative dogs (p = 0.12). Healthy-seropositive dogs had elevated IFN-γ concentrations compared to healthy-seronegative dogs (p = 0.001) and dogs in stage III-IV (p = 0.03). In conclusion, neutrophil activation was higher in dogs with mild disease and healthy-seropositive dogs, and a relationship between neutrophil activation and the production of IFN-γ was found.

Keywords: NBT; dog; immunity; interferon-gamma; leishmaniosis; neutrophil; oxidative burst; oxidative metabolism.