Intelligent Transport System (ITS) offers inter-vehicle communication, safe driving, road condition updates, and intelligent traffic management. This research intends to propose a novel decentralized "BlockAuth" architecture for vehicles, authentication, and authorization, traveling across the border. It is required because the existing architects rely on a single Trusted Authority (TA) for issuing certifications, which can jeopardize privacy and system integrity. Similarly, the centralized TA, if failed, can cause the whole system to collapse. Furthermore, a unique "Proof of Authenticity and Integrity" process is proposed, redirecting drivers/vehicles to their home country for authentication, ensuring the security of their credentials. Implemented with Hyperledger Fabric, BlockAuth ensures secure vehicle authentication and authorization with minimal computational overhead, under 2%. Furthermore, it opens up global access, enforces the principles of separation of duty and least privilege, and reinforces resilience via decentralization and automation.
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