This paper is the second in a two-part series that charts the evolution of appendicular musculature along the mammalian stem lineage, drawing upon the exceptional fossil record of extinct synapsids. Here, attention is focused on muscles of the hindlimb. Although the hindlimb skeleton did not undergo as marked a transformation on the line to mammals as did the forelimb skeleton, the anatomy of extant tetrapods indicates that major changes to musculature have nonetheless occurred. To better understand these changes, this study surveyed the osteological evidence for muscular attachments in extinct mammalian and nonmammalian synapsids, two extinct amniote outgroups, and a large selection of extant mammals, saurians, and salamanders. Observations were integrated into an explicit phylogenetic framework, comprising 80 character-state complexes covering all muscles crossing the hip, knee, and ankle joints. These were coded for 33 operational taxonomic units spanning >330 Ma of tetrapod evolution, and ancestral state reconstruction was used to evaluate the sequence of muscular evolution along the stem lineage from Amniota to Theria. The evolutionary history of mammalian hindlimb musculature was complex, nonlinear, and protracted, with several instances of convergence and pulses of anatomical transformation that continued well into the crown group. Numerous traits typically regarded as characteristically "mammalian" have much greater antiquity than previously recognized, and for some traits, most synapsids are probably more reflective of the ancestral amniote condition than are extant saurians. More broadly, this study highlights the utility of the fossil record in interpreting the evolutionary appearance of distinctive anatomies.
Keywords: evolution; fossils; hindlimb; mammal; musculature; synapsid.
© 2023 American Association for Anatomy.