Power-efficient polarization-insensitive tunable microring filter on a multi-layer Si3N4-on-SOI platform

Opt Lett. 2023 Sep 15;48(18):4861-4864. doi: 10.1364/OL.498636.


We develop and demonstrate a non-duplicate polarization-diversity tunable bandpass optical filter by leveraging the bi-directional transmission of add-drop dual-coupled microring resonators (MRRs) on a multi-layer Si3N4-on-silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. By using Euler-bends, we implement compact and low-loss Si3N4 MRRs with an equivalent bending radius of ∼38 µm. Fiber-to-fiber (on-chip) insertion loss of 4.3 dB (1.7 dB) with a low polarization-dependent loss of <0.5 dB and low differential group delay of <2.5 ps is achieved. The extinction ratio is more than 30 dB. The thermo-optic tuning efficiency of the Si3N4 MRRs is improved with a suspended micro-heater design. As a result, a wavelength tuning range of ∼2 nm and a 3-dB bandwidth tuning range of 20 GHz are experimentally demonstrated. The tuning efficiency is 33 pm/mW, which is ∼7.5 times higher than the previous design. This reconfigurable polarization-insensitive filter, with low loss, low cross talk, and high power efficiency, is highly promising for practical applications in optical communication and signal processing.