Background: The burden of early onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC) falls disproportionately on minorities and individuals in specific geographic regions. While these disparities are likely multi-factorial, access to high-quality health care plays a significant role. We sought to determine if Medicaid expansion is associated with reducing racial disparities in EOCRC detection in Hispanics and non-Hispanic Blacks (NHB), compared to non-Hispanic Whites (NHW).
Methods: Analysis of data from National Cancer Database was undertaken to compare incidence of EOCRC among those aged 40-49 between Medicaid expansion states (ES) and non-expansion states (NES) by racial/ethnic groups. Data was classified by race (NHW, NHB, or Hispanic), state of residence (ES or NES), and time (pre- or post-expansion). The primary outcome was change in incidence rate of EOCRC among racial/ethnic groups, according to whether patients resided in Medicaid expansion or non-expansion states.
Results: Among Hispanics, the ES showed a significant increase in EOCRC incidence post expansion as compared to NES (p = 0.03). The rate of increase in annual incidence of EOCRC among Hispanics was 4.3% per year (pre-expansion) and 9.8% (post-expansion) for ES; and 6.4% (pre-expansion) and 1% (post-expansion) in NES. However, no difference was noted among NHB (p = 0.33) and NHW (p = 0.94).
Conclusions: Medicaid expansion has improved detection rates of EOCRC in ES especially in Hispanic population. This is the first study to demonstrate the effect of Medicaid expansion on the incidence of EOCRC. Based on our study findings we suggest that racial and ethnic disparities should be considered in the earlier CRC screening debates.
Keywords: EOCRC; Hispanics; Medicaid expansion; Minorities.
© 2023. W. Montague Cobb-NMA Health Institute.