Evaluating Preference for Functional and Nonfunctional Stimuli in the Treatment of Destructive Behavior

Behav Anal Pract. 2023 Jan 24;16(3):867-872. doi: 10.1007/s40617-023-00773-5. eCollection 2023 Sep.


The effects of including nonfunctional stimuli that may appear in the natural environment during treatment remain unclear. The current study evaluated preference for differential reinforcement of communication (DRC) treatments with functional reinforcers only and a combination of functional and nonfunctional stimuli. Both treatment conditions resulted in a decrease in destructive behavior and an increase in the communication response for all participants. Two participants preferred the combined DRC condition, whereas one participant showed equal preference for the combined condition and one of the functional conditions.

Keywords: Concurrent-chains assessment; Differential reinforcement of communication; Function-based treatment; Nonfunctional stimuli; Social validity.